The influence of lighting on health: why light is crucial for our well-being

In our modern world, lighting is ubiquitous and affects our daily lives in many ways.

From natural sunlight to artificial light sources, the light around us has a profound impact on our health and wellbeing. In this blog post, we look at the different aspects of how lighting affects our health and give you valuable tips on how to optimize your lighting at home and at work.

1. The importance of natural light

Natural light plays a central role in our health. It regulates our circadian rhythm, which controls our sleep-wake cycle. Studies show that sufficient sunlight exposure supports the production of melatonin, a sleep-promoting hormone, and leads to better sleep habits. In addition, sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and the immune system.

Spend time outdoors daily for adequate daylight exposure.
Use bright, open spaces in your home to maximize sunlight exposure.

2. Artificial lighting and its effects

Although artificial lighting is essential, it can also have a negative impact on our health if it is not used correctly. Blue light emitted by LED and screen lighting can lower melatonin levels and therefore disrupt our sleep. In addition, insufficient or incorrect lighting can lead to eye strain and headaches.

Reduce the use of screens before bedtime.
Use warm white LED lamps in living rooms to create a relaxing atmosphere.

3. Light therapy: a health booster

Light therapy is a recognized method for treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other forms of depression. Special light therapy lamps imitate natural sunlight, lift the mood and increase energy levels. This form of therapy can be particularly effective in the dark winter months, as access to natural light is limited.

Invest in a certified light therapy lamp if you suffer from seasonal mood swings. If necessary, consult a doctor to find the right light therapy for your needs.

4. Ergonomic lighting in the workplace

Well-planned lighting in the workplace can increase productivity and improve the well-being of employees. A combination of natural light and well-placed artificial light sources helps to minimize eye strain and create a comfortable working environment. Height-adjustable desk lamps and glare-free light are particularly beneficial here.

Place your desk near a window to benefit from natural light.
Use glare-free, dimmable LED lights to adjust the brightness to your needs.

5. Lighting and its psychological effects

Light not only affects our physical state, but also our mood and emotional health. Bright, cold light colors can have a stimulating effect and promote concentration, while warm light colors can have a calming effect and contribute to relaxation. The right lighting can therefore also be used in therapeutic environments to support healing processes.

Use dynamic lighting systems that can adjust the light color and intensity depending on the time of day.
Experiment with different light colors in different rooms to create the desired atmosphere.


The right lighting is important for our health and well-being. The conscious use of natural and artificial light can improve the quality of our sleep, boost our mood and increase our productivity. Be sure to optimize your lighting according to the tips above to achieve the best possible health benefits.
If you would like to find out more about optimal lighting for your home or workplace, please contact us. Our team of experts are on hand to offer advice and guidance on how to optimize your lighting to suit your needs.